Why do most New Year’s resolutions fail? Here are some tips to beat that failure.
Make sure you write dwon and capture your New Year's Resolution. If you want to stick with them write them down, not just once but two or three times. Put them were you will see them on a day to day basis so you are reminded of your goal ahead.
Be smart and use your head when making goals. I came across a good memory helper when making goals it’s called: S.M.A.R.T.
· Specific
· Measurable
· Achievable by you
· Realistic
· Time frame
Be specific in what you want. Make it Measurable. Make sure it’s achievable by you, because you are the one trying to make the goal. Make sure it’s highly realistic because if it’s unrealistic you’re never going to reach it. Set a time frame and stick t it.
Break your goal down. Don’t try to tackle it all at once because you’re more likely to get fed up and frustrated and quit. Take it in steps. Break it down so you can achieve a bit here and there so it adds up to a great success.
Make sure your goal is for you. Let it fire you up. Be determined to change and commit to that goal. There is no sweeter treat then succeeding in a commitment and change. Make a promise to yourself and commit to the promise. Nobody likes when people go back on their promises so don’t go back on yours to yourself. You’ll be really disappointed.
And finally always celebrate your success. There is nothing like making a goal and sticking to it. Celebrate with those around you and show them that it is possible to stick and commit to a New Year’s Resolution. Even if they are small accomplishments celebrate them. A journey of a thousand miles always begins with a single step.